During exercising, your body's temperature levels up and one of the body's mechanisms of homeostasis is perspiration, which is sweating. Sweat helps cool off the body by excreting the heat to the exterior surface f the body and it gets rid of excess fluids and salts. The breathing rate also gets higher due to the physical activity. Blood flow will increase as well, as the blood vessels dilate and get wider allowing more blood to pass through.
The yellow form can exist in both the "live yellow" and "heat-killed purple" forms.
To carry out these transformation tests; for example change of purple structure form into the yellow structure; DNA, RNA, and proteins will be confined from the yellow structure and infused to heat-killed purple structure each in turn in singular examinations. At the point when DNA will be changed into heat-killed purple structure form, it is changed over and converted to the yellow structure form. In this way, the yellow structure form can be acquired from live yellow just as heat-killed purple structure (changed with DNA or changing guideline from the yellow structure).
The other three are already well established.
The car traveling 8 m/s. Good luck.