Two key components of corporate profitability are INDUSTRY STRUCTURE AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. Corporate profitability has to do with the economics indicators which calculate the net income of a company by making use of different measurement techniques. It is an effective tool which is used to give an overall overview of a company's performance.
B. What must be given up to acquire it
The opportunity cost is the cost which is to be sacrificed to gain for some better option
Since in the given case the aunt is thinking to open a hardware store but it will cost her $500,000 for rent and the to purchase the stock
And, also she also have to quit her accountant job for $50,000
So in this option quitting the job is to be considered as an opportunity cost
Total Stockholders' equity was affected.
Stock dividend refers to distributing shares free of cost among the existing shareholders. Such a dividend does not result in resources flowing out of the entity but merely reassign amounts from retained earnings to other equity accounts. Thus, such a dividend does not affect the total equity of the stockholders. This can be seen through the following entry,
Retained Earnings $1,800,000 Dr
Common Stock, at par $1,200,000 Cr
Paid in Capital in excess
of par, Common Stock $600,000 Cr
The above transaction shows that we just redistributed the reserves by reducing retained earning by the value of stock dividend 1800000 [( 800000*0.15) * $15] and adding it to the Common Stock 1200000 [(800000*0.15) * 10] and to paid in capital in excess of par 600000 [(800000*0.15) * 5].
At least $2 per bag as most airlines don't pay.
True , Cyclical unemployment can be negative.
Cyclical unemployment may be negative as well — when the economy hits its productivity and will be in the economic growth cycle process (works outside its PPC), then cyclical unemployment will be negative. The current unemployment rate is below the standard rate of unemployment.
The given statements are different in each scenario.
There are three elements of employment:
• Structural unemployment, which happens when Jobless people are also not qualified to work
• Frictional unemployment, due to the time needed to find one another by job-seekers and accessible employers
• Cyclical unemployment, because of the status of the business cycle unemployment