Passports. Driving while under the influence of alcohol can lead to legal consequences in the form of a DUI, fines, court-ordered treatment, jail time, job loss and more. One of the greatest hazards of drinking is that one’s intention, such as simply having a good time, can get lost once the intoxicating effects take hold.
i think its A
Majority rights & minority rights ( sorry if this isnt right )
Social Security number and Marriage contact
D. Adult Judge
A survey conducted by the American Youth Policy Forum(AYPF) in 2004 revealed that Youth courts used an estimate of;
1. 40% of the adult judge model
2. 26% of the peer jury model
2. 17% of the youth judge model
3. 9% of a combination of models
4. 8% of the youth tribunal
We can thus infer that most teen courts use the adult judge as the decision maker.
When juveniles commit offences their cases can be held in a court presided over by peers who are in the same age bracket with them. A youth judge presides over the case most times. A panel or jury made up of other youth judges sometimes numbering up to six deliberate over the matter and make a decision that would be announced to the court. Restorative justice is applied most of the time.
The sentencing administered by the teen court might include sending the offender to a rehabilitation center so that the main factor that caused his or her misbehavior can be corrected.