The correct answer will be option- Generalist species would be abundant in the biome.
A generalist species is the species that can survive in the wide variety of different resources and the environmental conditions.
The generalist species would be found in the higher number in biome which experiences large seasonal fluctuations with varying precipitation and temperature. The generalist species would be abundant because they can survive the changing environment, change in the conditions and wide range of food.
Thus, the Generalist species is the correct answer.
Underwater living faces many of the same life support challenges as living in space. ... But in the future, underwater habitats might provide their own oxygen with artificial gill technology to extract dissolved air from the sea water
Since humans do not have gills, we cannot extract oxygen from water. Some marine mammals, like whales and dolphins, do live in water, but they don't breathe it. They have developed a mechanism to hold their breath for long periods of time underwater.
To put these depths into perspective, three American football fields laid end to end would measure 900 feet (274.32 m) long — less than the distance these divers reached underwater. Most recreational scuba divers only dive as deep as 130 feet (40 meters), according to the Professional Association of Diving Instructors.
Native conformation
Native conformation is the correct structure or shape a protein should assume when folded, of which the protein is able to perform its operational function. Outside a proteins native conformation, or when denatured, the protein becomes unable to perform its usual main functions. The native conformation of a protein is the shape it takes in other to be functional.
If you meant new instead of you then, it is false. With a physical change it is only altering the object not making something new.
Do a UTI Test ASAP...
According to the presented conditions, if the morbidly obese patient is in post operation recovery and the knee surgery is operated about two days ago then there is a high probability of a possible UTI infection. I'll take a immediate urine sample and send it to the lab for the proper reports.