The inquisition is the name of the system of church courts that used secret testimony and torture to root out heresy and force non-Catholics to convert to Catholicism.
The Inquisition was an investigative institution established within the government system of the Catholic Church to root out public heresy committed by baptized Christians. The Inquisition begun formally in the 12th-century and its primary function is to probe and expose Christians and church leaders that refused to accept the church’s principle or beliefs.
I believe the answer is Cuba
US government-funded Freedom House classifies Cuba as being "Not Free", and notes that "Cuba is the only country in the Americas that consistently makes Freedom House's list of the Worst of the Worst: the World's Most Repressive Societies for widespread abuses of political rights and civil liberties."
A complaint is a formal written document filed by a plaintiff to begin a lawsuit which contains the allegations against the defense, the specific laws violated, the facts that led to the dispute, and any demands made by the plaintiff to restore justice.Complaints must properly state the factual as well as legal basis for the claim.