If you were a child care professional you would A. care about the emotion growth. Hope this helps! :)
I don’t understand this question explain it please
The one way mirror is a mirror for one and a window for the other side.
In <em>Through the looking glass</em> by the Washington Post, the author uses the one way mirror to describe the peculiar relation between the US and Canada.
For most Americans, i.e. United States citizens, Canada is an empty screen, for we either don´t know much of it or we are not interested. Or a mixture of both. Therefore the Americans are on the mirror side. We look at ourselves and can only imagine what is behind the mirror.
For the Canadians the mirror is a window that clearly shows how much the other side has influenced (economically, culturally) them. Of course the worldpower factor is decisive in the one way mirror comparison: The US, as the worldpower, cannot be bothered by taking neighbouring countries all too serious; Canada, on the other side, is submitted to play the small little brother that follows suit with everything big brother does.
Common Sense<span> was written as a means to encourage American independence. When Paine asks rhetorical questions, he is not really asking questions that have no answers. He is trying to inspire his listeners/readers to answer these questions for themselves. In the third section, Paine states that any future connection to Britain will be "forced and unnatural" and eventually "more wretched than the first." He then asks a series of rhetorical questions, but, ONE OF THEM WERE FOR EXAMPLE, OR FOR INSTANCE, THE MOST IMPORTANT WOULD BE: </span>"How is it possible that a small island nation can rule over all these colonies?"
Hope this All Helped! Have A Wonderful Day! :)
This techniques might have different purposes in this poem. For example, they might create an specific rhythm that makes the reader a bit lost throughout the poem. The reader might stop and start several times. On the other hand, they pull him/her form one line to the other by keeping up the momentum, what makes the reader mover faster in order to understand what is being read.
To him<span> | who </span>in<span> | the </span>love<span> | of </span>Na<span>|ture </span>holds
Commun<span>|ion </span>with<span> | her </span>vis<span>|ible </span>forms<span>, | she </span>speaks
<span>A </span>var<span>|ious </span>lang<span>|uage; </span>for<span> | his </span>gay<span>|er </span><span>hours</span>