The Axon or nerve fibre is a long, thin projection of the neuron or nerve cells that sends signals in the form of electrical impulses from the cell body (soma) to the synaptic terminals. The axons are of two types: myelinated and unmyelinated. The unmyelinated axons lack myelin sheaths which make the transmission of electrical impulses slower while the myelinated axons transmit electrical impulses faster.
That doesn't mean the energy is gone, it's just not where you are looking. The universe is defined as all energy and matter. It is everything. Closed system there is ...
Proteins are involved in almost every function of cell and inside the body and each protein is specific for its role. Some of them are
1) Protein constitute major part of structure of cell. Proteins are major constituent of cell membrane along with lipids.
2) Enzymes which are proteins in nature catalyze all the important chemical reactions inside and outside the cell e.g transporting material across the cell, synthesizing and repair of DNA
3) Hormones which are proteins play important role in the regulation of metabolic reactions inside the cell
4) Regulation of cell division is performed by DNA-associated proteins
5) Proteins plays important role in storage of iron inside the cells
6) Proteins can be stored as fats inside the body and used as energy when needed by cells for its metabolic activities.
I cannot found the images of the microscopy anywhere. But I can explain how you can differentiate a procaryote from a eucaryote under a microscope.
The first difference between them is the size of the cell. eucaryotes are generally much bigger than procaryotes. Procaryotes are visible only at x100 objective, but eucaryotes are visible starting from the x10 zoom.
The second difference is the presence of a nucleus in eukaryotes and the absence of it in procaryotes.
The third difference is the presence of organelles in eukaryotes and the presence of a cell wall in procaryotes (only visible at electronic microscopy).