124% as a decimal: 100% is 1 and 24% is 0.24. So 124% is 1.24 as a decimal.
124% as a mixed number: 100% is 1 and 24% is 24/100. To find 124% as a mixed number, simplify 24/100 and add it to 1. 24/100 = 12/50 = 6/25 So 124% as a mixed number is 1 and 6/25.
124% as an improper fraction: To make 124% an improper fraction, just make the 1 a fraction with the same denominator as 6/25 and add. 1 = 1/1 = 25/25 25/25 + 6/25 = 31/25 So 124% is 31/25 as an improper fraction.