B. The large glass has more heat than the small glass.
This is true because think about it, if you have a container filled up with water, then you need more water to fill it up at the same level (like 1 inch below the top of the container) than you will need for a smaller container.
It's the same technique that you will have to understand to get the answer for this problem...
So hence, your answer is B. The large glass has more heat than the small glass.
Answer: B
Explanation: sometimes a few people mostly sacrificed to ensure the group survival.
The artist aims to convey friendliness, cooperation, and trade.
Why is Venice such a big deal?
During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Republic of Venice was a significant financial and maritime power, a staging ground for the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as a crucial hub for trade (particularly in silk, grain, and spice) and the arts from the 13th century to the end of the 17th century.
What unique connection did Venice and Egypt have?
VENICE — For many years, Venetians traded the majority of the eastern spices found on European tables through the markets of Egypt. They brought unique textiles, colors, glass, metalwork, and other exquisite Islamic products with them.
To know more about Venice
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