They are more common at night.
नेपालमा गणतन्त्रको शुरुवात भएको एक दशक मात्र पुगेको छ। त्यसभन्दा अगाडी देशमा राजतन्त्र थियो र राजा नै राष्ट्र प्रमुख हुन्थे। बि. सं. २०६२-६३ मा भएको शान्तिपूर्ण जनआन्दोलनपछि जारी गरिएको अन्तरिम संविधान अनुरुप सम्पन्न संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन पश्चात् गठन भएको संविधान सभाको पहिलो बैठकले २०६५ साल ज्येष्ठ १५ गते राजतन्त्र उन्मूलन गरी नेपालमा गणतन्त्र स्थापना गर्यो। त्यसपछिको संविधान सभाले डा. रामवरण यादवलाई गणतन्त्र नेपालको पहिलो राष्ट्रपति घोषणा गर्यो। वर्तमान सम्माननीय राष्ट्रपति श्रीमती विद्यादेवी भण्डारी गणतन्त्र नेपालको दोस्रो राष्ट्रपति एवं देशमा नयां संविधान जारी भएपछिको पहिलो राष्ट्राध्यक्ष हुनुहुन्छ।नेपालको संविधान २०७२ ले राष्ट्रपतिलाई राष्ट्राध्यक्ष र संविधानको संरक्षक एवं अभिभावकको रुपमा स्थापित गरेको छ। राष्ट्रिय एकताको प्रवर्धन, संविधानको पालना र संरक्षण गर्नु राष्ट्रपतिको कर्तव्य हुनेछ भन्ने कुरा संविधानले निर्दिष्ट गरेको छ।
Answer: Purpose of the sugar law
Explanation: The goal of this law was threefold. First, the British realized that smuggling was almost endemic and that the rule of law was being undermined by illegal trade. Secondly, to protect British Commerce by introducing new trade restrictions after established navigation acts. Three, the war of the French Indians had taken a toll on British finance and the Americans had to pay for their own protection. With these goals on mind, the sugar law was designed to bring down colonial trade with countries other than Britain, especially France and Spain with colonies in the west Indies while increasing revenue to pay British debt.
The correct answer is Pitch neuron.
Pitch neurons or pitch-selective neurnos are the ones responsible for pitch perception which is key for segregating and identifying auditory objects mostly efective in the context of music and speech by assimilating a frecuency, so in Bendor and Wang's case the neuron that responded to a specific frecuency is an example of the pitch neuron due to it's capacity to respond to a 182 Hz tone.
The three complaints that the Native Americans made to John Easton are 1) when Indians testified that an Englishman did something wrong, it's nothing 2) English made them drunk and cheated them 3) English and cattle and horses are spoiling their corn. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. If I helped please give me Brainliest:)