b. The defendant's conduct was the proximate cause of the plaintiff's emotional distress
The act must be intentional, offensive and it could not possibly be considered as a mistake or joke which led to emotional distress in the plaintiff. That is, the emotional distress experienced by the plaintiff must be linked to the conducts/actions of the defendant,
In 1679, New York was established as a
soooo one day some dude was thirsty and he saw a cow and you know they got them things like us women so he thought it would be a good idea to pull on cow nipps and drink what came out :)
all joke aside ion know ppl weird
like me!!!
I do not know sorry. I would choose Palm Beach State College
In that particular case Beth is acting in the role of Influencer, she is trying to change the result of a possible majority decition of the remaining people.
Excluding her son (an ex-employee of a distributor) from the group of companies that she picked to present, <u>will prevent that the remaining parts of the team believes that is a case of convenience and relative mutual benefit</u> and will be more open to the idea of selling tires.