"The are many different seismic waves, but all of basically of four types:
Compressional or P (for primary)
or S (for secondary)
An earthquake radiates P and S waves in all directions and the interaction of the P and S waves with Earth's surface and shallow structure produces surface waves."
The mechanical energy isn't conserved. Some energy is lost to friction.
Option A.
The mechanical energy is defined as the energy of a body which it achieves by virtue of its position and velocity. The mechanical energy are of two types - potential energy and kinetic energy. The potential energy is the energy of the body which it achieves by means of its relative position and is directly proportional to the height of the body from its relative plane. Whereas the kinetic energy of the body is achieved by virtue of its velocity and is directly proportional to the square of velocity of the body.
As the mountaineer is skiing down the slope of a mountain, the potential energy of the person is gradually changing into his kinetic energy. Had it been in an ideal situation, the potential energy lost would have been just equal to the kinetic energy gained by the person. But there's friction which opposes the speed of the body and reduces the velocity. Thus the kinetic energy will be lost to some extent and the energy won't be conserved.
So since there is half times the gravity on this unknown planet that has twice earth's mass and twice it's radius, then the person can jump twice as high. 1.5*2= 3m high
Connection to Big Idea about energy: Gravity creates gravitational potential energy. Gravitational energy relies on the masses of two bodies and their distance.
Connection to Big Idea about the universe: Gravitational force is exerted by all objects with mass throughout the Universe. It is what keeps the Earth and the planets in orbit around the Sun, and our Solar System in orbit around the centre of the Milky Way. Gravity is one of the forces involved in the birth of stars, their evolution and finally their death.
Connection to Big Idea about Earth: The gravitational force is responsible for many physical properties of Earth and consequently it affects the existence and the properties of living creatures on it. For instance, the existence, the chemical composition and the structure of Earth’s atmosphere was determined by Earth’s gravitational force.