I'm not sure you've included a set of statements to choose from.
However, remember that there are three modes of persuasion: pathos, logos, and ethos.
Pathos; pathological; an appeal to the audience's emotions.
Ethos; ethical; an appeal to the audience's ethics.
Logos; logical; an appeal to the audience's reasoning.
Analyze your answers and see which ones employ the modes of pathos and ethos; cross those out. You should be left with the correct answer.
The title usually has something to do with the main idea.
What book and maybe I’ll be able to help! ^^
The first character who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is Romeo himself. The first reason Romeo is to blame is that he went uninvited to the Capulet party. If Romeo did not go to the party, Romeo would have never met Juliet, and Tybalt would never have known he was there.
Visuals that pop out, engage the audience’s attention, while fitting with the overall theme of the presentation