Anyone born in or legally migrated to the United States are citizens and have the same rights and privillages as everyone else, and are subject to Due process under the law.
Answer:I don't see a text so I cant answer your question correctly
The theory of reasoned action was developed by Michael Fishbein in the year 1967. The theory explains that the attitude of people to certain issues depends on their past attitude, their intentions as well as subjective norms.The fact that the individual has intentions implies that he has certain expectations.
The main ideas promoted by this theory also emphasize that;
- the individuals intention would affect his decision.
- the subject belief of others, example, family and friends would be a factor.
- the motivation for the action would also be a determining factor.
Independent agencies such as the CIA or FCC operate outside of the President's immediate sphere of influence, but still are under executive scrutiny, therefore the answer is that they "cause the executive branch to influence many aspects of life in the United States."