B. contained many Greek-speaking regions.
The Mauryan Empire substituted the former Magadha Kingdom to assert dominance over large parts of northern India. At its height, the empire stretched across modern Iran in the west to the Gangetic plains of India in East and covers almost the entire subcontinent. Chandragupta Maurya acquired territories from the Greek general of Alexander named Seleucus Nikator in exchange for Indian elephants. The ambassador of Seleucus Nikator, Megasthenes who lived at the court of Maurya in Pataliputra. The communication channels also imply the fact that the Mauryan kingdom was connected to the western Greek world.
There were 750 million illiterate adults in 2017. The global adult literacy rate was 86% but only 65% in sub-Saharan Africa. The total number of illiterate young people fell from 144 million in 2000 to 102 million in 2017. ... In 2016, there were 40% more illiterate elderly than illiterate youth.
In 1855, Italian governments were controlled by either A. Austria or the papacy~
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