your answer may be(utility software)
Explanation: Goals should be broken down according to time because it allows the team to decide what their overall purpose is, and to define the actions that will allow them to achieve their overall purpose.
goku comes in and turns super sayain naruto come in with kurama and naruto get goku with a rasagen and geku is still fist fightin while naruto is using his kurama and turns into kurama and knocks out goku now naruto thinks he won and goku IS HITIN HIM WITH A KAMEKAMEHA GOKU IS SIROUS NOW
import sys
coins = { "quarters" : 25, "dimes" : 10, "nickels" : 5, "pennies" : 1 }
def mkChange( balance, coin ):
qty = balance // coins[ coin ]
if( qty ):
print( str( qty ) + ' ' + coin )
return( balance % coins[ coin ] )
if( __name__ == "__main__" ):
if( len( sys.argv ) == 2 ):
balance = int( sys.argv[ 1 ] )
balance = mkChange( balance, "quarters" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "dimes" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "nickels" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "pennies" )
sys.stderr.write( "\nusage: " + sys.argv[ 0 ] + " <change owed>\n" )
To take breaks and not do all the work at once.