All records of relation B related with that record of relation A will be deleted
After deletion of a record from relation A will delete all of the records from relation B where their <em>foreign key</em> is the <em>primary key</em> of the record being deleted from relation A.
The key you need to press together with the click to be able to redirect to a hyperlink is the Control key.
In an electronic environment, a hyperlink is usually a word or phrase, highlighted in blue and underlined, or even an image, found in a web text and containing the command to "transfer" the user to another relevant web page, from the source node to the destination node.
By selecting this word or phrase the user has the ability to further research a topic from a variety of perspectives to compare information from different sources and actors.
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1:-Launch Windows RE and perform a Start Repair.
2:- Until you pick the Last Documented Successful Configuration on the Advanced Boot Options menu are the correct answer of this question.
Technology company Rescue is a Software restore tool capable of fixing some device issues that can prevent Microsoft for operating. Install Repair checks your Computer for the problem and then attempts to fix it, so that your Computer can start properly.
The Enhanced Boot Preferences app lets you connect to the internet in advanced mode for troubleshooting.
Option A i.e., man fdisk.
If the user wants to finds more regarding the fdisk utility as well as the related instructions until setting up a new Linux system besides those that are currently utilizing. So, the following man fdisk command could be used to finds more regarding fdisk on his current system.
Other commands are not useful for according to the following scenario because they are used in Linux for other purposes.