A) Grant favored defensive tactics while Lee relied on relentless offensive to win battles
Answer: The reason for child labor laws
Explanation: What these two are attempting is extremely dangerous. If the machine was activated, they could easily been drawn into the mechanism and injured, if not killed.
The company probably saved a few pennies by employing the children, but could have put them at an increased risk for injury. The scene depicted here was far from unusual for the times as companies would do anything to save money. Without regulations, these practices were commonplace in that day and age.
The tribal assembly (comitia tributa) was a nonmilitary civilian assembly. It accordingly met within the city inside the pomerium and elected magistrates who did not exercise imperium (plebeian tribunes, plebeian aediles, and quaestors).
here your answer,,,,,,,,,,,
Compazine is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of psychosis and severe nausea or vomiting. Compazine may be used alone or with other medications. Compazine belongs to a class of drugs called Antiemetic Agents; Antipsychotics, Phenothiazine.

Compazine may cause serious side effects including:
uncontrolled muscle movements in your face (chewing, lip smacking, frowning, tongue movement, blinking or eye movement),
- trouble speaking or swallowing,
- stiffness or muscle spasms in your neck, tremors,
- new or unusual muscle movements you cannot control,
- lightheadedness,
- little or no urination,
- severe constipation,
- stomach pain