Since you didn't provide us with any options, I'll list them for you:
- Smooth ER
- Golgi
- Mitochondria
- Rough ER
- Nucleus
This list is for an animal cell. It varies among the 3+ types of cells, so feel free to specify what type your worksheet is referring to in the comments and I'll help you out!
The primary function of photosynthesis is to convert solar energy into chemical energy and then store that chemical energy for future use. For the most part, the planet’s living systems are powered by this process.
An atom is stable if the forces among the particles that makeup the nucleus are balanced. An atom is unstable (radioactive) if these forces are unbalanced; if the nucleus has an excess of internal energy. Instability of an atom's nucleus may result from an excess of either neutrons or protons.
They need food in order to gain the initial energy they need.
Plants unlike humans don't get food by primary sources (aka, hunting). instead they retrieve their food from the suns rays. Without the suns rays they are able to convert this energy into glucose for themselves, and will essentially die because they do not have that source of food to give them the energy they need to survive.
Answer: Exploitation, invasive species
If the government introduces laws prohibiting hunting, it would somewhat reduce the impact of exploitation would have on the biodiversity because hunting is mainly done for the purpose of fun or to derive valuables from animals like skin, horn, ivory, venome for selling them in the international market and making huge profit from them. Introduction of prohibition law on hunting will reduce killing and exploitation of animals for their valuables.
If laws prohibiting introduction of new plant or animal species within the country are passed, it will curb the effect of invasive species would have on the seas. Invasive species are those living species which are arrive or immegrate to new locations in search of resources. These species compete with native species which results in decline of native species. This will result in disturbance in actual sea biodiversity as this will result in decline in native sea species and may also lead to extinction of native species.