A hypothesis is when you make an educated guess before you complete the experiment. It is basically an inference on what might happen next. So a conclusion made based on facts.
response to stimuli / tropism
The plants and animals always respond to stimuli. It is an innate character of all living things. When a bright light falls on the eye, it closes immediately. This is responding to the stimuli. When someone touches the leaves of touch-me-not plants it closes its leaves due to the external stimuli.
The plants respond to the light. Because it does photosynthesis in the presence of light. Therefore, the leaves and branches of the plants always bend towards the light. This process is called phototropism.
Similarly, the roots of the plants move towards gravity under the ground. This is called geotropism.
Besides phototropism and geotropism, other types of stimuli are there - hydrotropism(response to the water), chemotropism(response to certain chemicals).
That's why the plants growing on the windowsill move towards outside where light comes.
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Abstract American photographer Catherine Opie combines portraiture and documentary photography in her photographic series titled Domestic. At the center of this series lies the idea of community and the question of how community is constructed, a theme which unites Opie’s seemingly disparate bodies of work.