helps us for typing letters, numbers and symbols etc.
Communication is a constant process and it can also be corrupted.
Communication is the ability to send and receive messages that can be understood. We constantly communicate with our environment verbally and or orally, using signs and language to express ourselves.
Messages sent can and should be decoded for communication to be complete. It can be corrupted on its path to the decoder, this hinders understanding.
Answer: Mesh
Mesh network is network topology in which network nodes are directly connected with infrastructure nodes in active manner without following any hierarchy. This interconnection is made for continuous transmission of data through the network path.It can work even if any particular connection or node faces fault.
- Z-wave commonly uses mesh topology for connecting the nodes to facilitate the home devices in wireless manner along with hub.
- Zigbee also uses mesh topology for proving services at low cost to homes and other areas in wireless form also having router or hub as the linking device.
#define LSH_RL_BUFSIZE 1024
char *lsh_read_line(void)
int bufsize = LSH_RL_BUFSIZE;
int position = 0;
char buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) bufsize);
int c;
if (!buffer) {
fprintf(stderr, "lsh: allocation error\n");
while (1) {
// Read a character
c = getchar();
// If we hit EOF, replace it with a null character and return.
if (c == EOF || c == '\n') {
buffer[position] = '\0';
return buffer;
} else {
buffer[position] = c;
// If we have exceeded the buffer, reallocate.
if (position >= bufsize) {
bufsize += LSH_RL_BUFSIZE;
buffer = realloc(buffer, bufsize);
if (!buffer) {
fprintf(stderr, "lsh: allocation error\n");