It is not possible to have a deadlock involving only one process.
Deadlock is only possible if there are multiple processes trying to access the same shared resources. Another way to see it is if you have shared resources only can be a deadlock if multiple processes attempt to use it.
With only one process, you can use shared resources without the risk of fall into deadlock, but you don't have concurrence either.
TCP is a reliable protocol. Verification of the data (to an extent) is performed. UDP is an unreliable protocol. It's a "fire and forget" protocol. Since the verification ( packet counts, checksums ) isn't being done, the application[s] have to do it.
what do i think about future of computers
i think the future of computer will more be advanced
maybe creating robots to help humans with lots of things as pollution,littering and all sorts of things help us explore deeper parts of the ocean and get more accurate data and maybe be able to stop climate change,maybe stop deforestation, and be able to fix all the horrible thing we did to our earth. this is not proven facts but this is how i think about the future of computer
Idk if that helps
this is the evelution of computers