C. need for achievement.
According to Atkinson, Martin and Toshio differ in their <em>need for achievement</em>. Need for achievement differ in Martin and Toshio. According to Atkinson, there are two ways of approaching a difficult task. A tendency to achieve success, that is a hopeful view of a difficult task, and a tendency to avoid failure because of the fear of failure. Both tendencies are present in all individuals, but one is higher than the other one. In this case, Martin is looking forward to the experience, he is hoping for success. On the other hand, Toshio is clearly avoiding failure.
d, citizenship by military service
Reproductive success
The increase in body fat as a consequence of overconsumption of fatty junk foods can be evolutionarily explained as preparation for times of food scarcity, <em>this serves as a survival tactic that ensures the reproductive success of species.</em>
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Answer: Decision Making by consumers.
When a decision is made by a consumers, this decisions sets in place a chain of reactions that change their lives, the lives of those around them ( this includes their immediate family and community at large). and the lives of people they haven’t even met before. What this single decision does is that it sets in motion a chain of reactions.