Answer: Take these actions immediately while waiting for medical help:
Stop any bleeding. Apply pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage, a clean cloth or a clean piece of clothing.
Immobilize the injured area. ...
Apply ice packs to limit swelling and help relieve pain. ...
Treat for shock.
Kinda is common Sense lol :)
the answer is that HIV causes AIDS
Cake flour is more refined, it's particles are smaller. We are talking about white flour not whole wheat flour.
Each cycle<span> can be divided into </span>three phases<span> based on events in the ovary (ovarian </span>cycle<span>) or in the uterus (uterine </span>cycle<span>). The ovarian </span>cycle<span>consists of the follicular </span>phase<span>, ovulation, and luteal </span>phase<span> whereas the uterine </span>cycle<span> is divided into </span>menstruation<span>, proliferative </span>phase<span>, and secretory </span>phase<span>.</span>