Pandemics, diseases which spread to most populated regions with a high degree of mortality, have been recorded several times in world history, the first being the Plague of Justinian in 541 CE. The Black Death, also known as the Second Pandemic, was one of the most catastrophic events in human history.
I believe that you can and will die
There is a super hero named Monste-line, strength like a monster and well my real name Feline. I always said I had a "boring" childhood. I always heard that only BOYS go to the gym and only BOYS can be strong and all girls do is trip and are clumsy they cant even pick up their books. I was always disgusted by them that one day when they where babbling about girls like they usually do. Me when i was little "dropped" her books in front on them making them fall down like bowling pins. She said " Oops i'm sorry! I'm sooo clumsy! Should I help you up?" Then holds out her hand to one of the boys. The boy doesn't say anything and and slowly grabs her hand. By this time there was a crowd surrounding the boys and Feline. The she pulls him up lightly and almost makes him flip over because of how strong she was. Everyone and the boys looked shockingly at her while the boy who she helped up was trying to make sense of how she did that. Then she smirked and said " Surprised little boys? Looks like i'm stronger than you 3 added up" The 2nd boy the "leader" got up and said " No your not strong! Girls are just- just faking it like how they fake to be "beautiful" with their makeup!" Everyone like that burn, well to me that was the worst one EVER. Then I said " Am I wearing makeup to you? N-O , Instead i'm wearing a pack of muscles." Everyone laughs loudly even one of the 3 boys laughed. One of the boys said " Mark you HAVE to admit that this girl is wayyy stronger and has wayyy better burns..." Mark growled and glared at him. The boy zipped his mouth and stayed silent. Mark took his bottle and attempted to throw it at me, then his hand slips and he throws it at one of the lights above the crowds head. The light starts to dangle and the crown screams ( mostly the boys). The wires flicker at the walls and slowly starts a fire. The teachers heard screaming and rushed out. I was standing there and looking a the whole situation. then i say " EVERYBODY FOLLOW THE TEACHERS THEY WILL LEAD YOU TO THE EXIT! WHAT EVER YOU DO STAY AWAY FROM THE WALLS AND STAY CLOSES TO THE TILE FLOORS! TEACHERS GRAB ANY FIRE HYDRANT YOU CAN SEE IN CASE OF FIRE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR PATH!" i pushed everyone away and said " DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! GO!" The light dropped on me. Everyone was out of the building while it crashed and crumbled. Mark then said W-where is Feline?" Everyone looked around and shrugged. Mark runs over the the crushed building. Then from 20 feet away i open some doors from underground and climb out then brush off the dirt. Mark stares at me in shock then says in confusion " H-how did you get out?" "Well cant you not see?" I said pointing at the school basement. " We were close to the basement, my mom used to work here so, i knew about that. One of the kids in the crowd said " But-... What about the light that fell on you?" I used my strength of course, my repetitive exercising payed off". The teachers and kids were shocked about how i managed that all myself, and applauded. One of the kids shouted " Your a freakin cool monster girl!" and another said "Yeaaaa Feline!" Then Mark said " Ooo, put monster and Feline together that would be Monste-line" That's how i got my name, and saved the day.
Two criteria that would identify the three muscle tissues are myofibers and nuclei.