<h3>"our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty".</h3>
- The excerpt "our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty" from Gettysburg address shows how Lincoln choose words to connect his speech to the declaration of independence.
- This line reminds us that during the declaration of the American independence, the founding fathers of the constitution chose to set up a country based on the values of freedom and equality. Lincoln connects this line to address that their aspirations would be honored with full devotion.
Well Carl Linnaeus was the guy who classified the different species of organisms into categories and gave them a Latin name for the Genus and Species. So I would say classification of organisms.
Based on the organization of plants and animals at a cellular level, the following is true:
- 1) Membrane protein complexes that strengthen the adhesion between adjacent cells, like rivets, to protect against pulling forces. - Desmosomes - Animal.
- 2) Small channels that form across the plasma membranes of adjacent cells; especially important in intercellular communication. - Gap junctions. - Animals.
- 3) Membrane proteins that create watertight seal between cells. - Tight junctions - Animals.
- 4) Small channels between cells that are otherwise surrounded by walls; enable movement of water and solutes between cells. - Plasmodesmata - Plant.
- 5) A polysaccharide that is used to synthesize cell walls, which protect cells and help maintain their shape. - Cellulose - Plant.
- 6) Long fibers of protein found in the extracellular matrix that provide structural support for cells. - Collagen - Animal.
<h3>Features of plant and animal cells</h3>
Animals are known to desmosomes, gap junctions, tight junctions, and collagen to help cells fulfil their duties and keep the body functioning.
Plants have plasmodesmata, and cellulose which ad the plant by helping cells perform their functions.
Find out more on cell junctions at
Hope it help you
Plz mark my answer brainliest✍️✍️
ING has been delivering educational presentations about Muslims and their faith for over two decades. The following are answers to some of the most common questions that ING and its affiliates across the country have encountered during that time. While many of the answers address issues relating to creed or issues that are well established because of a clear citation in the Qur’an or Hadith (prophetic sayings)—such as the six major beliefs or the Five Pillars—others focus on areas that are more open to interpretation. These answers reflect the fact that Islamic teachings are the product of a dynamic conversation among Muslim scholars and between the scholars and the laity who apply their best understanding of the primary sources of Islam rather than a fixed set of laws and regulations.
This points to the fact that Islam, like all religions, does not live or speak apart from the people who practice it. There is, therefore, no monolithic Islam, since, like any other religion, Islam exists only as it is understood and practiced by its adherents.
As in other faith traditions, Muslim scholars have developed varied positions and responses to the numerous questions and issues that have been raised and discussed over the past 1400 years in the various lands where Islam is practiced. These perspectives and resulting practices differ partly because of the diversity within the Muslim community in geography, ethnicity, culture, and age. There are about fifty countries in the world today with a majority Muslim population, each having its own distinct history and culture (or multiplicity of cultures). There are also sizeable Muslim minorities in many other countries, including the United States and virtually all the countries of Europe, that are living Islam in their own unique situations. These Muslim communities have a variety of cultures and histories and live in varied social, cultural, and political circumstances, all producing significant variety in the way that they understand and practice Islam. In addition, there are various sects among Muslims, most notably Sunni and Shi’a, as well as various groups within each major sect. These differences in varieties of Islamic understanding and practice also reflect Muslim scholars’ long tradition of recognizing the diversity of peoples and circumstances and the opinions that should reflect that reality of diversity as well as of our shared humanity.