Characteristics of the Articles of Confederation
As the exercise suggests, in the cultivation stage of a mentoring relationship, there is continued growth and development for both the mentor and protégé, and there is mutual sharing, trust, and learning as the relationship becomes more rewarding for both parties. This is the primary stage in which the mentee, the protégé, learns from the mentor and both their roles (teacher-student) are at their peak level. Then, the relationships starts to shift into other levels.
Drinking water does help with alcoholic drinks, it allowed your body to detoxify the blood and prevent dehydration.
COSO is non profit organisation. It has its head quarter at New York. COSO stands for Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.
It is combined initiative to fight against corporate fraud.
Given : "An entity determined that its variable interest rate on borrowing will increase significantly in the near future. Consequently, the entity hedged its variable by locking in a fixed rate for the relevant period."
Now according to COSO, this decision is a type of 'sharing' response to risk.
Thus the answer is sharing.