If mitosis occurs correctly, the division of one cell by mitosis produces two cells.
OK well first of all I hate biology but I like writing so you can use :: The molecular reactions of cellular respiration transform Krebs cycle into the more readily available bond energy of ATP.
Bauxite ore is one of the primary source of aluminum but it must first be chemically processed to produce alumina (aluminum oxide). The next step of aluminum production is smelting of alumina using an electrolysis process (Hall-Heroult process). This electrolysis process is driven by electrical current. Electrolyte (molten salt) with immersed carbon anodes is used in order to dissolve the alumina. Carbon anodes are carrying electrical current and thee chemical bond between aluminum and oxygen in the alumina is broken.
1. Enzyme interacts with substrate
2. Enzyme may undergo a conformational change to capture the substrate ("induced fit" model)
3. Enzyme-substrate complex may undergo several changes to form the product(s).
4. The product(s) are released
5. The enzyme returns to its original form. It is then ready to do the cycle all over again.
the water erosion breaks down the rocks