The answer is "both transpersonal and fourth-force psychology".
Transpersonal psychology coordinates the otherworldly and extraordinary parts of the human involvement with the structure of present day psychology.In 1968 Maslow was among the general population who declared Transpersonal psychology as a "fourth force" in psychology, keeping in mind the end goal to recognize it from the three different powers of psychology.
I think because the state courts might make opposite rulings in the same type of course.
Answer: 1. Elbing model
Alvar Elbing is credited with coming up with a model illustrating how two individuals in a family make decisions based on their reference groups, perceived and acceptable alternatives and environmental constraints.
The model shows how family members can affect decisions and how reference groups pay a large role in a person and their decision making.
the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles
C. Poor motor planning
Poor motor planning can be defined as the inability of a person to carryout tasks because the person brain cannot process sensory information including the neural connection in the brain of that person leading to POOR MOTOR PLANNING.
A person that has poor motor planning may be unable to write properly and form words.
Although Dyspraxia disorder can cause inability of a person to plan and effectively process motor tasks eventhough the person intelligent may not be affected but it mostly cause learning problem in children..
Therefore poor motor planning is the inability of a person to organize the body's actions which is why Raysor has difficulty in writing.
According to the scenario the type of problem Raysor shows is POOR MOTOR PLANNING