... termed "hypotonic," meaning less solids (or more diluted) than inside the cell. For fluid movement in/out of cells, water will diffuse (via osmosis) from the hypotonic solution to the hypertonic one, assuming a permeable barrier (i.e. cell membrane) allows it. With this case, water will flow into the cell from outside.
Neurons function to process and transmit information. In vertebrate animals, neurons are the core components of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
The respiratory centers that control your rate of breathing are in the brainstem or medulla. The nerve cells that live within these centers automatically send signals to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles to contract and relax at regular intervals.
It would most likely die because it needs nitrogen , sunlight , and water , basic things that you can't exactly find in space....
the answer for this question is seed