When the frequency of stimulation of a muscle increases -without it having the opportunity to relax- a process called summation (addition) occurs, promoting an increase in the generation of force in the isolated skeletal muscle.
Summation is a phenomenon that occurs as a consequence of the arrival of successive stimuli that produce the contraction of the skeletal muscle before it achieves its partial or total relaxation, between subsequent stimuli.
<em>When the summation occurs in the muscle, the force generated on it increases its magnitude proportionally to the number of stimuli received, maintaining the muscle contraction in time</em>.
Tetany is the prolonged contraction of a muscle in an abnormal way, by the summation of stimuli received , as some bacterial toxins can produce. The summation can be temporary -when multiple stimuli reach the muscle in a determined time- or spatial, when the amount of stimuli activates a greater amount of motor units.
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Spatial summation in a post synaptic neuron
<span>Insects are found in almost all ecosystems on Earth, with the rarity being oceans. While some species, such as coconut crabs, sand hoppers, woodlice and pill bugs dwell on land, crustaceans are generally found in water — and usually oceanic — regions. Adapting to their habitat, many insect species evolved wings — two pairs for most and one pair for others. A tracheal system is also present for breathing. Crustaceans, on the other hand, breathe using gill-like mechanisms.</span>
D. CBT. this stands for cognitive behavioral therapy and is one of the most popular and successful treatments for those with these disorders.
Because the sun adds light to the clear bubble
Bar graphs show patterns in data with variables that change over time; Whereas pie charts, show data as parts out of a whole, (such as 100%).