Fresh water has a variety of different sources on Earth which includes rivers, lakes, streams, rain water, etc.
One of the fresh water sources is a Lagoon which is a permanent shallow body of water which is separated from the larger water bodies by a natural barrier such as reefs or islands.
Reportedly, almost 311 plant species are found to be grown in the Atanasovsko Lake lagoon, out of which the Marsh samphire, reed, vicia and sea wormwood are a few to name
Nitrogen has a number of important uses. It can be used to replace air and eliminate oxidation of materials. Its most important use is in creating ammonia, which in turn is used to make fertilizer and explosives. Liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant for very low temperatures
Approximately in 1995, there were 256 trout in the population
multiplied last answer by 4
1. Cytoplasm
2. Ribosomes
3. Plasmid
These are the 3 features of prokaryotic
Girl what the hell are u on