So I think you have to go on the internet and find articles! One that likes oils and thinksoils are good and then another one that is against oils and doesn’t like them! Compare and contrast them and highlight stuff that YOU agree with and then see if the articles are actually VERY convincing or not so much
Vitamin B12
When the milk's lactic acid and casein protein react, vitamin B12 is produced along with an increase in the value of other nutrients. One of the most crucial components in our diet is vitamin B12. Megaloblastic anemia, which can result from a vitamin B12 deficiency, makes its sufferers easily fatigued.
The B12 vitamin assists the body's neurological and cardiovascular systems by maintaining the health of blood and nerve cells. Additionally, it aids in the development of DNA and genetic material in each and every body cell. Additionally, it alters the DNA of the cells and causes genetic material to be malformed.
Here is another question with an answer similar to this about vitamin B12 deficiency:
the answer is C
The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'. As per Yogic scriptures the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature