Given that the F2 cross produces offspring according to the expected 9:3:3:1 ratio.
YyRr X YyRr:
Let us break the dihybrid cross into individual monohybrid crosses.
Yy X Yy :
Y y
y Yy yy
2/4 or 1/2 of the offspring are heterozygous for the trait.
Similarly, in Rr X Rr cross, 1/2 of the offspring are heterozygous for the trait.
Together, 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4 of F2 plants are expected to be heterozygous for both traits.
The words depict the phenomenon of cell division in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
The possible concept map that could be drawn from these words could be:
Number 1:
Cell cycle in a eukaryote occurs through the process of mitosis (or meiosis) and chromosomes duplicate by this process. Cytokinesis separates the two daughter cells by separating the cytoplasm of the two cells.
Number 2:
Cell cycle in a prokaryote involves the method of binary fission.
The value of control is a quantitative measure of the value of controlling the outcome of an uncertain variable. Decision analysis provides a means for calculating the value of both perfect and imperfect control. The former value, informally known as the value of wizardry, is an upper bound for the latter. Obtaining meaningful value-of-control measurements requires an awareness of important restrictions (concerning the nature of free will and the meaning of counterfactual statements) on the validity of this kind of analysis.
because when sun shines on water, it turns into heat and evaporate