You can compare fractions by using the benchmark fraction of 1/2. To use this in order to make comparisons, you will need to look carefully at what the numerator and The denominators are in a fraction. If the top number, the numerator is less than half of the denominator, then the fraction would be less then the benchmark 1/2. If the numerator is more than half of the denominator then the fraction would be more than the benchmark 1/2. For example, 3/4 is more than 1/2 because the numerator of three is more than half of the denominator 4.
The graph of G(x) is the graph of F(x) shifted 4 units down. B. The graph of G(x) is the graph of F(x) shifted 4 units to the left C. The graph of G(x)...
Step-by-step explanation:
The <u>Elimination Method</u> is the method for solving a pair of linear equations which reduces one equation to one that has only a single variable.
- If the coefficients of one variable are opposites, you add the equations to eliminate a variable, and then solve.
- If the coefficients are not opposites, then we multiply one or both equations by a number to create opposite coefficients, and then add the equations to eliminate a variable and solve.
When multoplying the equation by a coefficient, we multiply both sides of the equation (multiplying both sides of the equation by some nonzero number does not change the solution).
So, option B is not allowed (it is not allowed to multiply only one part of equation)
Step-by-step explanation:
X/.5 > 6
(the > has a line under it but idk how to type that lol)