Okay this equation really says is what is 30% of 248.
So, lets convert 30% to a fraction, 3/10 which is easier to work with.
All you have to do now is get out a calculator and do 248 *3/10 (or .3) and get 74.4
So subtract 74.4 and get
I believe this is true....lets say the plane takes off and goes up 500 ft.....it circles, but then it has to come back down...land...so it comes down 500 ft...
500 - 500 = 0
Step-by-step explanation:
Based on the information observed from the attached box and whisker plot, the Fraction of dunk tanks which requires atleast 500 gallons of water. This fractional value will be the property of plot in the position marked as 500 on the plot. The point which refers to 500 gallons on the plot is the ticked point in between the box. This point represents the median value in a box and whisker plot.
The median value represents the 50th percentile value which relates to half of the distribution. This means that fraction of dunk which requires atleast 500 gallons is : (50/100) = 1/2
Let's say we wanted to subtract these measurements.
We can do the calculation exactly:
45.367 - 43.43 = 1.937
But let's take the idea that measurements were rounded to that last decimal place.
So 45.367 might be as small as 45.3665 or as large as 45.3675.
Similarly 43.43 might be as small as 43.425 or as large as 43.435.
So our difference may be as large as
45.3675 - 43.425 = 1.9425
or as small as
45.3665 - 43.435 = 1.9315
If we express our answer as 1.937 that means we're saying the true measurement is between 1.9365 and 1.9375. Since we determined our true measurement was between 1.9313 and 1.9425, the measurement with more digits overestimates the accuracy.
The usual rule is to when we add or subtract to express the result to the accuracy our least accurate measurement, here two decimal places.
We get 1.94 so an imputed range between 1.935 and 1.945. Our actual range doesn't exactly line up with this, so we're only approximating the error, but the approximate inaccuracy is maintained.