In order to answer this, first convert every percentage into decimal value.
The decimal value of 32% is 0.32. We just move two decimal places to the left.
Next move is to multiply the converted percent to the whole or total.
= 0.32 * 35
= 11.2
Take note, there are no decimal pages. So the final answer is 11.
There are 11 pages.
Y - 18 = -1.5(x - 12)
I hope this helped out! Have a nice day :)
(Good luck!)
Step-by-step explanation:
r/3 + 5 < 8
Subtract 5 from each side
r/3 + 5-5 < 8-5
r/3 < 3
Multiply each side by 3
r/3 *3 <3*3
A GCF ( Greatest Common Factor) is one factor that can be split evenly between the two numbers you have chosen.
For example, the greatest common factor of 4 and 8 would be 4 because this is the greatest number that can be split evenly with the numbers I have chosen.
I hope this helped.