The main way that the Holocaust helps us find similarities that go beyond race, culture and nationality, is that now this horrible even in history is almost universally condemned in Europe, meaning almost everyone does not like war.
D. It is important to celebrate major events in Jewish history
Many major Jewish holidays revolve around major milestones in Jewish history. One example of this would be Passover, celebrating the freeing of the Jewish people from the egyptians.
In May 1988, Gorbachev introduced a new policy that allowed for the creation of limited co-operative businesses within the Soviet Union, which led to the rise of privately owned stores, restaurants and manufacturers. Not since the short-lived New Economic Policy of Vladimir Lenin, instituted in 1922 after the Russian civil war, had aspects of free-market capitalism been permitted in the U.S.S.R.
B. A longer history of industrialization that other continents
Europe does not boast the oldest civilizations in world history; it doesn´t have more natural resources than other parts of the world; and its population isn´t the largest among all continents. But the industrial revolution, scientific discoveries and tecnological advances, colonialism , highly educated populations and generous social investment have allowed Europe reach a high standard of living.