Black owned and resided on the premises at 1803 North Monroe Street in the city of Lawn. He had purchased the house from Green i
n June 1977. Prior to the sale, Green had heaped several piles of earth mixed with fragments of glass, rocks and other debris in his back yard where it lay in the form of a mound. While Green owned the property, children from the neighborhood began to play on the mound. Among the games devised by the children were "cops and robbers" and "king of the mountain." They continued to play these games after the sale of the property to Black. One morning while Black was away on vacation, Dennis, ten years of age, joined a group of boys on Black’s property and began playing "cobs and robbers" on the mound. Being a "cop", Dennis pursued Rusty, a "robber", and threw a clod of dirt containing broken glass at Rusty. Seeing it coming, Rusty ducked. The clod hit George, a "cop", on the side of his face. A piece of glass entered George’s eye, seriously impairing his vision. In a civil suit brought by Rusty’s parents, on his behalf, against Dennis, the plaintiffs are likely to have actions for:
Assault can be defined as causing physical harm intentionally or unintentionally to another person. Sometimes even the threat to cause physical harm can be considered assault. Assault is a crime and carries criminal liability and is a also a tort so it carries civil liability also.
This section explicitly states that in order for interests to qualify for interest capitalization, the assets purchased through the loan must be getting ready for its intended use. E.g. if you want to capitalize the interests on the land, you must carry out activities necessary to prepare it for its intended use. Or if you purchase a machinery, you must be installing it in order to get it ready to produce.