B,the printer only receives signals from the computer and prints them.
Sorting tools allow you to organize data into columns and rows that help you locate what you are looking for.
Spreadsheet applications and relational databases are similar in configuration as they are both arranged in rows and columns (tabular). Sorting a spreadsheet or database is useful as it helps to organize data. A sorted spreadsheet or database can be in ascending or descending order which makes it easier and faster to locate rows of data manually or by query.
Binary Scope Resolution Operator
The :: (scope resolution) operator is used to get hidden names due to variable scopes so that you can still use them. The scope resolution operator can be used as both unary and binary. Fortunately, in this context we're not dealing with hidden contents; thus the Binary applies better than the Unary.
In an overhead valve engine, pushrods connect to A. rocker arm which pivots and opens valves
is this supposed to be a joke-
cuz i dont get it