A MICR device reading the magnetic ink on a cheque. (the ink contains iron particles). This special ink is used to write customer account numbers on the bottom of cheques. The MICR device reads the account numbers then converts it to a form the computer can understand.
A MICR device reading the magnetic ink on a cheque. (the ink contains iron particles). This special ink is used to write customer account numbers on the bottom of cheques. The MICR device reads the account numbers then converts it to a form the computer can understand.
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Program to display greater number:
#include <iostream> <em>// Needed to perform IO operations </em>
#include<conio.h> <em> // header file</em>
using namespace std;
int main() //start of the program
int a , b =0; //initialising the two integer variable
cout<< "Enter first number"<<endl;
cin >> a; //user's first number
cout<< "Enter second number"<<endl;
cin >> b; //user's second number
if (a>b) //comparing the two integers input by user
cout<< a << "is greater than" << b; //display the greater number
cout<< b << "is greater than" << a;
return 0; // exist