Nomadic Bedouin tribes dominated the Arabian Peninsula before the rise of Islam. Family groups called clans formed larger tribal units, which reinforced family cooperation in the difficult living conditions on the Arabian peninsula and protected its members against other tribes.
Sugar is not a drug. Sure, sugar is addictive but fats are not drugs. The brain doesn’t respond to nutrients, like sugar, like the same way it does to additive drugs. Such as heroine.
Dissociation may help traumatized individuals to be unaware of situations that could threaten essential relationships. Dissociation is an adaptive mechanism.
Dissociation represents an adaptive mechanism by which an individual may forget traumatic situations, thereby having a protective function.
The 'gap' in the memory can help a person to forget familiar traumas in order to establish emotional relationships.
In consequence, forgetting is not always a sign of a mental disorder, but also an adaptive mechanism.
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ANSWER: body experiences cold environment, body starts shivering, muscles start contracting, body raises the internal temperature
Answer: Choice C
Explanation: The maximum weight you can lift in a single rep. The most weight you can lift.