Well since it’s a chart based on a PivotTable prettyyyy sure it’s gonna be a PibltChart
B. Intrusion Detection Software (IDS)
An Intrusion Detection Software (IDS) is designed to monitor all inbound and outbound network activity and identify any suspicious patterns that may indicate a network or system attack from someone attempting to break into or compromise a system. IDS is considered to be a passive-monitoring system, since the main function of an IDS product is to warn you of suspicious activity taking place − not prevent them. An IDS essentially reviews your network traffic and data and will identify probes, attacks, exploits and other vulnerabilities. IDSs can respond to the suspicious event in one of several ways, which includes displaying an alert, logging the event or even paging an administrator. In some cases the IDS may be prompted to reconfigure the network to reduce the effects of the suspicious intrusion.
shutdown -h +15 It is time for a shutdown!
In a work environment where there is an admin and users connected to the server when the admin wants to Give a 15-minute delay to allow users enough time to save their work data and logout from the system. the command above shuts down after 15 minutes delay and notifies the user with "It is time to shut down!".
The solution code is written in Python 3
- digits = input("Enter 9 digits: ")
- multiplier = 1
- total = 0
- for x in digits:
- total += int(x) * multiplier
- multiplier += 1
- checksum = total % 11
- if(checksum == 10):
- print(digits + "X")
- else:
- print(digits + str(checksum))
Firstly, use input function to get user input for 9 digits (Line 1)
Next we can use a for-loop to estimate the summation (d1 * 1 + d2 * 2 + d3 * 3 + d4 * 4 + d5 * 5+ d6 * 6 + d7 * 7 + d8 * 8 + d9 * 9) ( Line 6-8)
Then only apply % operator to get the remainder of total and get the checksum (Line 10)
Next create if and else statement to print the digits string joined with X if checksum is 10 else join digits string with checksum value (Line 12 -15)