The best definition of unicameral is a government with one legislative body, hence the word "uni". The United States had a unicameral type of legislature but was later changed because all the states had the same number of representations, even though a state has a low or high amount of population. The United States changed from a unicameral to a bicameral legislature, which is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Openness to experience.
Kevin is most likely to score very high when he is provided 'openness to experience.' It is one of the five domains that is employed to describe human personality in the big five personality traits or five-factor model. This domain is attributed to the individuals possessing active imagination, intellectual curiosity, aesthetic sensitivity, awareness of inner feelings, etc. Thus, Kevin would belong to this domain as the receptiveness to experience would help him in exploring his creative and artistic skills and also in absorbing the new information obtained from new experiences that promotes broad-thinking.
narcotráfico, guerrilla y conflicto paramilitar, débil vigilancia y regulación de las instituciones, intimidación y hostigamiento de denunciantes, y una apatía generalizada de la sociedad para abordar los comportamientos poco éticos.
Drug trafficking, guerrilla and paramilitary conflict, weak surveillance and regulation from institutions, intimidation and harassment of whistle-blowers, and a widespread apathy from society to address unethical behavior.
Its is 5
Ik because i did this question in school
Answer:Liberation Theology
Liberation theology is religious movement which was started by the Roman Catholics and located mostly in Latin America. It fought to liberate the poor and the oppressed by having engaging interactions with political and civic affairs.
It focused on awareness of how sinful in their own context socieconmic status has resulted to inequalities within society due to that they wanted to eliminate such structures.
The belief of liberation theology is based on the fact that God has his word transferred through those who have nothing and the Bible can be comprehended through that.