She might prefer to take a top-down approach to hiring decisions.
In <em>management and organization</em>, he top-down approach refers to a top individual, high ranked, carrying out decisions about how things should go or should be.
This is an example of the top-down approach because the hiring decision is being made by the HR director, who feels that if the applicants score higher on a test then they will do better.
The usefulness of the social cognitive theory construct of
observational learning is being determined by a factor in which how the
individual has extended the attention given to another person in means of
having to model the behavior that is being executed or exhibited.
Empirical evidence show that agricultural export, fiscal balance, gross fixed capital formation, population growth, inflation rate, total foreign trade, trade balance and current account balance are significant determinants of economic growth in the panel of these emerging market economies. .
My country is the Republic of North Macedonia. It is a country that after it gained independence in 1991 from Yugoslavia, has established a government from the parliamentary democracy type. This means that there are numerous political parties, the people vote on elections for their favorites, which in turn will be leading the country for four years, while the president has a five years of authority.
The government is divided into multiple departments, called ministries. Each ministry has its own purpose and authority, and it is in charge for certain things in the country. The ministries include Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Waters, and Forests, Ministry of Healthcare, Ministry of Ecology etc.