Dollar cost averaging is an investment technique which can make a person wealthy in the long run. In this technique, you will buy a particular stock constantly and regularly, regardless of the price. This will add-up and without noticing, you have acquired more than you'd imagine. On the other hand, Ten Percent Solution, you invest 10% of your earnings in a long-term investment, and is done on a regular basis.
For economists is important to avoid political interferance in the monetary policy. Populist governments often use the creation of money to justify their political programs, causing inflation and distortions on the market.
In the last report of FOMC is highlighted the behaviour of market labour and the lower expectations of inflation.
There are two tools commonly used in political economy to finance government programs: taxation and paper currency print. When the central bank is not independent, the government has an incentive to print money to fund their programs, causing inflation. In economic science has been demonstrated that inflation is always caused by monetary phenomena.
A corporation has $
in sales, $
in net profit after taxes, a
total asset turnover, and a
equity multiplier. response is
The ratio of a company's net income to the equity of its shareholders is known as return on equity (ROE). A company's profitability and the effectiveness of its revenue generation are measured by its return on equity (ROE). The better a corporation is at turning its equity financing into profits, the higher its ROE.
Return on Asset is expressed as a percentage of the total return an organization generates in relation to its total assets. The return on asset calculation formula is.
Return on assets is calculated as Net Profit After Taxes by Asset Turnover and Sales multiplied by
. For example, Return on Assets is $
Return on Assets is $
Learn more about equity here.
The answer is A. Early payment
In Cash discounts, buyers will have the incentive to reduce the amount owed to the seller if they pay their liability faster than the Deadline
For example, the sellers can offer a 2 % discounts if the buyers make a payment within 10 days, while the actual deadline is 30 days
D. Simon, who is baking a cake that will be sold in a bakery
Simon is the producer here because he is producing a product to sell on the market.