a. Both regions rejected their African cultural heritage in favor of new technology and ideas spread by Asian traders, this is the answer
Globally, women have fewer opportunities for economic participation than men, less access to basic and higher education, greater health and safety risks, and less political representation.
Guaranteeing the rights of women and giving them opportunities to reach their full potential is critical not only for attaining gender equality, but also for meeting a wide range of international development goals. Empowered women and girls contribute to the health and productivity of their families, communities, and countries, creating a ripple effect that benefits everyone.
The word gender describes the socially-constructed roles and responsibilities that societies consider appropriate for men and women. Gender equality means that men and women have equal power and equal opportunities for financial independence, education, and personal development. Women's empowerment is a critical aspect of achieving gender equality. It includes increasing a woman's sense of self-worth, her decision-making power, her access to opportunities and resources, her power and control over her own life inside and outside the home, and her ability to effect change. Yet gender issues are not focused on women alone, but on the relationship between men and women in society. The actions and attitudes of men and boys play an essential role in achieving gender equality. So no they are not equal.
The U.S. Constitution protects the unalienable right to liberty by including the principle of habeas corpus. Including the principle of habeas corpus protects an individual from unlawful detention and grants individual specific rights to legal counsel and certain judiciary procedures to protect an individuals liberty.
hope this helps
As Islam spread in Mecca, the ruling tribes began to oppose Muhammad's preaching and his condemnation of idolatry. The Quraysh tribe controlled the Kaaba and drew their religious and political power from its polytheistic shrines, so they began to persecute the Muslims and many of Muhammad's followers became martyrs.
Boer War and British control of southern Africa