Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions in the body, including those that use oxygen and create carbon dioxide. Oxygen and carbon dioxide, therefore, are involved in both respiration and metabolism. Metabolic reactions are sometimes referred to as cellular respiration, which can cause confusion.
Proteins are important biomolecules. Proteins are synthesized and often packaged for secretion into other cells within an organism. A variety of organelles play a role in producing, packaging, and moving proteins.
Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells
Organelle Function
Nucleus The “brains” of the cell, the nucleus directs cell activities and contains genetic material called chromosomes made of DNA.
Mitochondria Make energy out of food
Ribosomes Make protein
Golgi Apparatus Make, process and package proteins
Adult Atlantic Salmon<span> live in coastal seas and </span>feed<span> on pelagic invertebrates ... The Atlantic </span>Salmon<span> is an iconic species in the north Atlantic </span>Ocean<span> and ... Unlike the pacific </span>salmons<span> (such as the Chinook</span>Salmon<span> [link]), Atlantic </span>Salmon do<span> not die after ... subpopulations that spawn in those rivers will almost certainly </span>go<span> extinct.</span>