It is risky to invest in a commodity because: <span>The commodity's price might drop significantly very quicklly
</span>Commodity products are circulated really quickly. This will affect the rarity of the product in the markets. If the rarity is high, the price will increase and vice versa. This exact condition makes the price for that commodity also fluctuated really quickly.
Answer: Umm... I'm not too sure if this is a news article, but I think this might be able to help... Its from AJPH and their article is called, "Positive and Negative Influences of Religion, Culture, and Tradition in Public Health". It was published in March of 2019. All rights and everything go to them. I hope this helps.
A. It was a league of friendship, in which the states were sovereign and the the national government had only weak powers
The Articles of Confederation were a hot mess because there were EXTREMELY few Federal (or centralized powers) For example, the state of Georgia could decide the didn't want to pay taxes and New York could make it's own independent trade agreements with China.