La producción industrial a gran escala, especialmente de alimentos. ... El desarrollo de nuevas industrias como la textil, la siderúrgica (metales) o la minera. La sustitución del hierro por el acero, un material más duro y resistente.
Espero que esto sirva!
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It should be the Sixth generation
data source
The main aim of a data source is for the gathering of all necessary information that is needed to access a data. Since he has used the information to create a pie chart, this means that some data were used for the creation of this pie chart. Hence the information used for the creation of the pie chart is the data source for the information illustrated on the pie chart.
class PersonInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.num_kids = 0
def inc_num_kids(self):
self.num_kids += 1
person1 = PersonInfo()
print('Kids:', person1.num_kids)
print('New baby, kids now:', person1.num_kids)
Line 1 of the code, we define the class PersonInfo. Line 3 of the code is the function that will increment the member data num_kids.